You're being irresponsible |
You've got a conflict of interest |
Only really smart people can carry out this attack |
[complete silence] |
Nothing is 100% secure |
This is probably fixed in the next release |
You're paranoid |
Any security concerns are unsubstantiated |
No one has complained before |
We don't comment on security matters |
We have CISSP certified engineers |
Nobody will ever try to do this |
security problem excuse BINGO |
We meet all government standards |
That's just theoretical mumbo-jumbo |
You're so negative |
You are in violation of the DMCA |
You have excessive expectations of robustness |
You'll be hearing from our lawyers |
Your privacy is our priority |
We're fully ISO-9001 compliant |
Let's see you design something better |
That's only there for backward compatibility |
We use cryptography |
We've always done it this way |